Archive for June, 2008

Get employees to share their knowledge

Monday, June 30th, 2008

We have talked to many company owners, executives, managers and employees about sharing knowledge.  While they all agree sharing knowledge is critically important to their companies, most of them are frustrated by the dismal progress in getting their employees to share such information.  Among all the reasons that we heard from them about why people do not share knowledge, the top ten are listed below.  I would like to know what you think.  Please mark the top three reasons that you think why people do not share knowledge and feel free to tell us any other reasons by leaving us a reply below.  Once you enter your vote by clicking on the Vote button, you will be able to see the overall voting results.

Choose the top 3 reasons why people do not share knowledge

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Thank you very much for your time and feedback!


Knowledge Networking Resonates at TechEd

Tuesday, June 17th, 2008

This is my first entry as VP of Sales and Business Development at uTIPu. My name is Chad Roll and I am a veteran of the high tech world having been around since the early 1980’s. My experience is mostly in launching emerging technologies and I am very excited about the Knowledge Networking Platform that uTIPu has to offer.

I am confident the technology we have at uTIPu, will change the way companies, customers and partners share knowledge in the future.

My first few weeks at uTIPu have been memorable; I was able to attend the Microsoft Tech Ed Conference in Orlando, FL. The partner expo area was filled with first class exhibitors and very well attended by the conference participants. My raffle ticket was only 5 numbers away from winning the Ducati Motorcycle in AvePoint’s booth, probably a good thing because my wife probably wouldn’t have let me keep it anyway.

The mood of all the exhibitors I was in contact with was upbeat and hopeful the activity in the booths would lead to meaningful opportunities. A good percentage of the vendors were talking and thinking about how to better communicate with their customers and a majority of the attendees were talking about how to better train their user community.

One of the biggest challenges facing today’s busy IT professional is where to find valuable information in a timely manner. Getting to the answers you need, when you need them can make or break a project and having timely and accurate information available to corporate end users is vital for internal IT Support folks.

It is this area of need that the uTIPu Knowledge Networking Platform can provide tremendous value to both companies needing to support their customers and partners and the Corporate IT support folks needing to support their user community.

I made many great contacts at the show and I look forward to working with all of you to help you meet your customer satisfaction goals. I welcome any feedback or comments about how your company plans to provide your customers and partners with the knowledge they need to successfully utilize your products and services.

Best Regards,


TipCam v2.0 Released

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2008

We are pleased to announce the availability of TipCam version 2.0. This version includes new and exciting features that make screencasting available for even wider audience. With this release our team strived to incorporate the feedback we received from the community and to secure our lead as the easiest-to-use screencast service for everyone.

The significant new features include:

  • Multi-language support – Option to switch the user interface to your native language. Swedish language is now available. Additional languages are supported by dropping in standard XLIF formatted language files into TipCam installation directory. Please join us to support international community and contribute language files back to uTIPu. Instructions of how to add additional language files available in the readme.txt file packaged in the tipcam download.

  • Option to save captured videos in AVI file format – Alternative video capture format allows for easy video editing using free tools, (Windows Movie Maker, VirtualDub, etc)
  • Addition of 800×600 and 480×360 resolution and zoom options – Smaller video size work better for sharing on and embedding into BLOG’s, and WIKI’s. Larger video size is available for those that require extra level of details and intend to share videos on the fast networks.

  • Support for uploading videos to a specific community space – Claim your own space and create a community around your company, product or an interest group. uTIPu is now supporting creation of branded communities. Please visit our first partner site at Citrix VideoTips powered by uTIPu and inquire about setting up your own.
  • Option to broadcast TipCam captured video to - Share your screencast with the largest video community on the Web.

  • Optional countdown before recording starts - give yourself a moment to prepare.
  • Option to cancel file upload - If you start uploading a video by mistake, you can now cancel the uploading without having to wait for it to complete.
  • Automatic tipcam issue reporting - One click is all it takes to report potential TipCam issues to uTIPu when there is a problem.
  • Optional “Help us to improve TipCam feature” - Anonymous usage statistics collection helping us to know what features you use the most.

Have an idea of how to make TipCam even better? Please comment on this post.

- Oleg.