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1/16/09 3:30 PM
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Rated 4.5 from 2 votes


jeremyforcier - 1/19/09 10:53 PM

thanks Roberto!! I need to remember not to rush through and !!!! the value.

betomonaco - 1/19/09 10:20 PM

What was great about your presentation? ➢ You monetized very well (the monthly saving, potential equity increase, etc) ➢ Your voice quality is great ➢ You sound very friendly ➢ Your really demonstrated the benefits of doing the loan ➢ You came across very professional What can be even better next time? ➢ I would make a bigger deal with your voice about the monthly saving..$ 239.00 (and make it per year immediately, for example “that is $ 2,868.00 per year”) and link that amount with one of the core values (or buying criteria) of your client (the information that you have acquired during your interview…traveling, saving, education, vacationing, paying credit cards, etc). Do not assume the client will make that link. ➢ Another option is to give them a quick example of other client that saved similar amount of money (for example, $225.00) and how the client invested the money wisely and now is benefiting big time from it… ➢ I would create a little bit more urgency for them to call now (make sure you give them a solid reason…) I really enjoyed your presentation, great information under two minutes, very good! Roberto

dsavage - 1/18/09 2:44 PM

Hey Jeremy -- Great video -- your voice is clear - your advice and recommendations provide clarity and obvious value


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Contributed by: jeremyforcier who has
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  • average rating of 4.3 (16 votes)
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