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RateWatch NOW Daily Update 01-28-10

1/28/10 10:08 AM
RateWatch NOW Daily Update 01-28-10
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Rated 3.9 from 9 votes
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dsavage - 1/29/10 9:50 AM
Hey Dan, Another idea it would be great if you could highlight the leader data every morning
apierce007 - 1/29/10 9:49 AM
Dan love you work keep it up. When you use charts like you did yesterday can you make them available to us in the MC somewhere? Not access to your slides like you did once but only month over month charts for employment and durable goods ect. I can and have gone and gotten them but looking and searching takes time and time is money. I am also a bit corn-fused you say the DOW followers have it wrong but bond market has it right that numbers released were really good not bad. You comment that the Fed has announced they were prepared to modify and extend if needed and trust me they will need too. This indicates to me you think our stimulated economey is not hitting on all eight, is the run up in stock prices warrented by this economey minus stimulus from the FED?. We have never had a market like this so everyone is guessing. Too much treasury is our biggest problem as i see it. Thanks for everything Dan, did i hear you right 15 hour day!
dsavage - 1/29/10 9:48 AM
Great job Dan! It's amazing how much you reduced the umm -- Congrats!
drawitch - 1/28/10 6:05 PM
Thanks Anna! It was fun spending time with you too. Thanks for kind words AND for the great suggestion on adding the lenders tab! Why is this my lowest rated video ever? I wish people would let me know when they rate low and explain why. Otherwise..I cannot improve.
annamsmith - 1/28/10 3:55 PM
Dan - loved your commentary today!!! Wow! And it was really fun to have you in presentation class. I look forward to you going deep on Candlestick charts (remember you promised!!) I think the lenders repricing really adds a lot of impact to your video. Awesome job!
mdeery - 1/28/10 12:49 PM
Hey Dan, I would slow down your commentary and speech a bit and then you would not say umm or amm as much. I started slowing down myself a lot and I think my speech has improved a lot too. I find it amusing how fast us sales folks try and talk, tis inevitable that we stutter and stammer as we do. Cheers
drawitch - 1/28/10 10:30 AM
Thanks Alan! Good counting! So...officailly I only said it once. Not bad in comparison to yesterdays video. I think I said it over 50 times :-( I love the beverage idea.....Let's have drink!
alanhwhite - 1/28/10 10:25 AM
You said "uh" or "um" 7 times. 6 of those were when you were talking about saying "uh" or "um". Hope this helps! How about a drinking game? Every "uh" or "um" earns the listeners the right to a swig of the beverage of their choice.

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