Videos tagged with "selfstudy software"

Learn English 4 Times Faster
from bridge2english on 5/17/09
Learn English 4 times faster Listen and imitate rather than learn from theory. Spend the major portion of the time talking in the English language using the patented Language Bridge method that restores the innate ability to acquire a foreign language and turns every adult into a language prodigy. Instead of consecutive repetition use simultaneous repetition, to ensure turning off cross-translation and the formation of an English language speech center in the brain. While watching this video, please, use headphones and repeat the text simultaneously with the speaker with a delay of one or two words. Do it a few times and you will understand why the consecutive and simultaneous repetition have different mechanisms. The self-training Languge Bridge software, which you can order from the web site, allows printing all the texts and drills and transferring mp3 audio files to any mp3 device or phone so that the option of working offline is also a possibility for those who want to add additional time and efforts to ensure fastest progress in acquiring English.

Language Bridge - learn English fast
from bridge2english on 6/4/09
* Cross-translation is the main barrier in acquiring a foreign language. * Conventional methods don’t even mention this problem because they are not capable of providing a means of overcoming subconscious cross-translation. Here is the list of what you should NOT do: * Make cross-translation into and from the native language. * Memorize anything. * Use boring grammar books. * Study awful vocabulary lists. * Use translation drills. * Use flash cards. Here is the list of what you SHOULD do: * Instead of consecutive repetition use simultaneous repetition, to ensure turning off cross-translation and the formation of an English language speech center in the brain. * Simultaneous repetition has never before been used for learning a foreign language; it provides excellent results in the formation of a direct link between an image or situation and block of English words. * Listen and imitate rather than learn from theory. Spend the major portion of the time talking in the English language using the patented Language Bridge software (USA patent 6,341,958). * Language Bridge software ( helps you to seamlessly incorporate multiple Internet resources into a modularized, computer-based learning environment. * It provides you with a learning environment incorporating electronic dictionary, testing program, and drills to 31 lessons and to new lessons of your choice, to give you the option of expanding your vocabulary of specialized vocational or technical terms. * The LanguageBridge software can be used from the comfort of one’s home 24/7. Using this technique, every adult student becomes a language prodigy making the best use of his/her time. * Your goal of speaking in English fluently without thinking could be achieved in six months.