Public Communities

2739 public videos | 1469 members | created on 11/21/08 by mortgagecoachadmin
A place for Mortgage Coach Members to share videos with each other, their referral partners and the homeowners they serve.
113 public videos | 211 members | created on 5/15/08 by ryan
VideoTips is a place for sharing videos about Citrix applications, products, and solutions.
44 public videos | 54 members | created on 4/27/09 by sradmin
A SmartReply video community for mobile advertisers, content publishers and partners.
39 public videos | 10 members | created on 4/28/09 by tgriffith
Discussions and conversations centered around liability management and the coursework toward the Certified Liability Advisor designation.
25 public videos | 27 members | created on 9/16/08 by john
The public place to collect and share tips about uTIPu's TipCam screen recorder.
13 public videos | 5 members | created on 10/4/08 by john
For sharing Sudoku tutorials and tips, and asking questions. Anybody can become a member and post screencast here. If you are interested to be an admin for this community, please leave a comment on any of the videos here.
13 public videos | 2 members | created on 1/30/09 by gschoenborn
This will have video files that students taking online class will be able to view without a specific player.
13 public videos | 2 members | created on 4/20/09 by toddballenger
KendallTodd community site for KT Training videos.

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